
1977: Mort d'un pourri (The Twisted Detective or Death of a Corrupt Man)

There are a lot of bad things you could say about this flick starring Alain Delon as a righteous man in possession of a file that proves the corruption of many leading politicians: The desperately modern production design (the Delon character owns a digital alarm clock!), making the film look more dated than most of its contemporaries; the female lead not only played by Ornella Muti - Ornella Muti! - but the director making sure her character has a strong preference for white tops, so you can see her nipples in most of her scenes; occasional run-of-the-mill trashiness and, most of all, the film's naive bad world view, complete with truth-to-power sermons. But I liked this film a lot, and not because it's so bad it's good. Rather, the - overall mild - trashiness punctuates what would otherwise have been a pretty decent action thriller to make it more interesting. (7.5)

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